Back in December, an email came to the Bookshop with what seemed like a familiar request. The email was captioned, “Carl Zimmer, local writer,” and read, “I was visiting your store not long ago and thought you’d be interested in my son’s book.”
But, this was not just another proud local mom recommending her child’s book. The son whom Marfy Goodstein modestly called “Carl Zimmer, local writer” turned out to be THE Carl Zimmer, author of fifteen bestselling science books, “Origins” columnist at the NY Times, Yale University professor, and known as “America’s Most Respected Science Journalist.” Wow. Thank you, Marfy!
Carl Zimmer will visit the Bookshop to talk about his new book, “Air-Borne,” which tells the amazing story of the air we breathe — an environment where oceans and forests release billions of cells, microbes eat clouds, and pathogens are carried thousands of miles, including as part of a secret Cold War plot to employ atmospheric biological weapons. The book takes us from mountainous glaciers to the aerial experiments of Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh to the laboratories that investigated the airborne spread of the COVID virus.
This event is free and all are welcome. Priority seating will be given to readers who pre-order the book.
Art by John Schmidtberger of SFA Gallery
PO Box 425Frenchtown, NJ